Ceylon Heritage Trails





Ratnapura is a city located in the Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka, approximately 101 kilometers southeast of Colombo. The name "Ratnapura" translates to "City of Gems" in Sinhala, reflecting its significance as a hub for gemstone mining and trading. Here's some information about Ratnapura:

Why You Should Visit Ratnapura

1. Gemstone Industry: Ratnapura is renowned for its gemstone industry, particularly for its sapphires and rubies. The city is surrounded by gem-rich lands, and visitors can explore the gem mines, gem-cutting factories, and gem markets to learn about the gemstone trade and purchase exquisite gemstones.


2. Ratnapura National Museum: The Ratnapura National Museum showcases the rich geological and cultural history of the region. The museum displays a collection of gemstones, fossils, artifacts, and cultural items related to the gem industry and the local heritage. It offers insights into the significance of gem mining and the historical aspects of the area.


3. Sinharaja Forest Reserve: While not directly in Ratnapura, the Sinharaja Forest Reserve is located nearby and is worth mentioning. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the last remaining tropical rainforests in Sri Lanka. The reserve is renowned for its rich biodiversity, including numerous endemic species of flora and fauna. Visitors can enjoy guided nature walks and birdwatching tours within the forest.


4. Ratnapura Old Town: The Old Town area of Ratnapura retains its traditional charm and showcases colonial-era architecture. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, visit local markets, and witness the daily life of the residents. The town also has several temples and religious sites, including the Maha Saman Devalaya, a prominent Buddhist temple.


5. Waterfalls: Ratnapura is surrounded by scenic waterfalls that add to the natural beauty of the region. Some notable waterfalls include the Bopath Ella, which cascades in the shape of a leaf, and the Katugas Ella, known for its impressive height. These waterfalls provide opportunities for photography, picnicking, and enjoying the tranquil surroundings.


6. Udawalawe National Park: While not directly in Ratnapura, Udawalawe National Park is within a reasonable distance and is worth mentioning as it can be included in a visit to the area. The national park is known for its population of wild elephants and offers wildlife safaris to observe elephants, as well as other animals such as buffalo, crocodiles, and various bird species.


Ratnapura’s gemstone industry, cultural heritage, and natural surroundings make it a fascinating destination for those interested in gemstones, nature, and local traditions. Whether you’re exploring the gem markets, discovering the natural wonders of nearby forests and waterfalls, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Ratnapura provides a unique experience in the heart of Sri Lanka.


Click The Below Icon to View Actual Location

Batadombalena Tempel

Boo Tree in Saman Dewalaya

Clock Tower In Ratnapura Town

Diwa Guhawa

Train in Hill country

Tea Plantation

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