Ceylon Heritage Trails





Kalpitiya is a coastal town located in the Puttalam District of Sri Lanka, on the northwestern coast of the country. Known for its pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and water sports opportunities, Kalpitiya has become a popular destination for beach lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

Why You Should Visit Kalpitiya

  1. Beaches: Kalpitiya is blessed with beautiful beaches that stretch along its coastline. The beaches offer soft golden sands, clear turquoise waters, and a tranquil atmosphere. Popular beaches in Kalpitiya include Kalpitiya Beach, Alankuda Beach, and Kandakuliya Beach. These beaches are ideal for sunbathing, swimming, and relaxing in a tropical setting.


  2. Dolphin and Whale Watching: Kalpitiya is renowned for its dolphin and whale watching opportunities. The waters off the coast of Kalpitiya are home to a variety of marine life, including spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and even occasional sightings of sperm whales and blue whales. Boat tours are available, allowing visitors to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.


  3. Kite Surfing and Water Sports: Kalpitiya is a popular destination for kite surfing and other water sports. The area’s consistent winds and shallow lagoon provide ideal conditions for kite surfing enthusiasts. Kite surfing schools and centers offer lessons and equipment rental for both beginners and experienced riders. Other water sports such as windsurfing, kayaking, and jet skiing can also be enjoyed in Kalpitiya.


  4. Kalpitiya Dutch Fort: The Kalpitiya Dutch Fort is a historical site that reflects the region’s colonial past. Built by the Portuguese in the 17th century and later occupied by the Dutch, the fort offers a glimpse into the area’s history. Though the fort is now in ruins, it remains an interesting place to explore and provides a picturesque backdrop for photography.


  5. Wilpattu National Park: Located close to Kalpitiya, Wilpattu National Park is one of Sri Lanka’s largest national parks and a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. The park is famous for its population of leopards, along with elephants, sloth bears, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species. Jeep safaris can be arranged to explore the park and spot its diverse wildlife.


  6. Bar Reef: The Bar Reef is a coral reef system located off the coast of Kalpitiya. It is one of the largest shallow-water coral reefs in Sri Lanka and is teeming with marine life. Snorkeling and scuba diving enthusiasts can explore the vibrant coral formations and encounter colorful reef fish, sea turtles, and other fascinating underwater creatures.


Kalpitiya offers a unique blend of beach relaxation, water sports adventures, and wildlife encounters. Whether you’re seeking a tranquil beach getaway, a thrilling kite surfing experience, or a chance to explore Sri Lanka’s rich marine biodiversity, Kalpitiya has something to offer for every type of traveler.

Click The Below Icon to View Actual Location

Kitesurfers at Kalpitiya

Fisherman House in kalpitiya

Little Egret In Kalpitiya

Little Tern In Kalpitiy

Dolphins In Kalpitiya

Sunset In Kalpitiya

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