Ceylon Heritage Trails




Pasikuda is a coastal resort town located on the eastern coast of Sri Lanka, approximately 35 kilometers northwest of Batticaloa. It is renowned for its pristine beaches, calm shallow waters, and a tranquil atmosphere, making it a popular destination for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts.

Why You Should Visit Pasikuda

The main attraction of Pasikuda is its stunning beach, which features soft white sand and turquoise waters. The beach is known for its shallow and calm bay, making it safe for swimming, particularly for families with children. The gentle slope of the shoreline allows visitors to wade out into the water for quite a distance, creating a unique experience.
Pasikuda is also famous for its excellent conditions for water sports, particularly snorkeling and diving. The clear waters provide excellent visibility, allowing visitors to explore vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish and other marine life. There are several dive centers and snorkeling operators in the area that offer equipment rental and guided tours for both beginners and experienced divers.
In addition to beach activities, Pasikuda offers opportunities for boat rides and excursions. Visitors can take boat trips to nearby Pigeon Island, which is a designated marine national park known for its pristine coral reefs and diverse marine ecosystem.
Pasikuda is also a great place to unwind and relax, with several luxury resorts and hotels dotting the coastline. These establishments provide a range of amenities such as swimming pools, spas, and beachfront dining options, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay for visitors.
For those interested in exploring the local culture and history, nearby Batticaloa offers attractions such as the Dutch Fort, Kallady Bridge, and the Batticaloa Lighthouse. The city is known for its vibrant Tamil culture and heritage, and visitors can experience traditional Tamil cuisine and witness cultural performances.
Overall, Pasikuda is a picturesque coastal town in Sri Lanka, offering a tranquil and idyllic beach experience. With its pristine beaches, clear waters, and opportunities for water sports and relaxation, Passikudah attracts both local and international tourists looking for a serene beach getaway.

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Pasikuda Beach


Hotel in Pasikuda

Elephant In Hambantota

Coral Reefs in Pasikuda

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